18 años ayudando a las empresas dominicanas
a elegir el mejor software

¿Qué es TalentLMS?

TalentLMS es una LMS creada para el éxito en la formación. Diseñado para lograr acuerdos, es el recurso que los grandes equipos y empresas utilizan para crecer. Con una experiencia totalmente personalizable y fácil de administrar, los equipos aprovechan las actividades de formación en un entorno que les resulta familiar. TalentLMS facilita la entrega de formación adecuada para cualquier equipo y situación de uso, al tiempo que brinda orientación y asistencia de expertos a cada paso del camino. Con la misión de democratizar las actividades de formación, TalentLMS ya brinda servicios a más de 70 000 equipos en todo el mundo.

¿Quién usa TalentLMS?

La simplicidad de TalentLMS es apreciada por miles de clientes en todo el mundo. Reconocido como el LMS más asequible, TalentLMS se adapta a las necesidades de cualquier empresa, independientemente de su tamaño o tipo de formación.

¿Dónde se puede implementar TalentLMS?

Basado en la nube
Entorno local

Sobre el proveedor

  • Epignosis
  • Ubicado en San Francisco, EE. UU.
  • Fundada en 2012

Asistencia de TalentLMS

  • Asistencia 24/7
  • Chat

Países disponibles

Afganistán, Albania, Alemania, Andorra, Angola y otros 214


alemán, chino, chino tradicional, coreano, danés y otros 16

precios de TalentLMS

Precio de partida:

  • Sí, ofrece una prueba gratuita
  • Sí, ofrece una versión gratuita

TalentLMS dispone de una versión gratuita y ofrece una prueba gratis. La versión de pago de TalentLMS está disponible a partir de US$109.00/mes.

Planes de precios consigue una prueba gratuita

Sobre el proveedor

  • Epignosis
  • Ubicado en San Francisco, EE. UU.
  • Fundada en 2012

Asistencia de TalentLMS

  • Asistencia 24/7
  • Chat

Países disponibles

Afganistán, Albania, Alemania, Andorra, Angola y otros 214


alemán, chino, chino tradicional, coreano, danés y otros 16

Imágenes y vídeos de TalentLMS

TalentLMS Software - 1
TalentLMS Software - 2
TalentLMS Software - 3
TalentLMS Software - 4
TalentLMS Software - 5
Ver 6 más
Vídeo de TalentLMS
TalentLMS Software - 1
TalentLMS Software - 2
TalentLMS Software - 3
TalentLMS Software - 4
TalentLMS Software - 5

Funciones de TalentLMS

  • Acceso móvil
  • Administración de la formación
  • Aprendizaje asíncrono
  • Aprendizaje colaborativo
  • Aprendizaje interactivo
  • Aprendizaje mixto
  • Aprendizaje móvil
  • Aprendizaje sincronizado
  • Autoría de cursos
  • Autoría de cursos integrada
  • Biblioteca de contenidos
  • Biblioteca de cursos
  • Certificación y licencias
  • Colaboración entre varios usuarios
  • Conformidad con SCORM
  • Contenido interactivo
  • Conversión PowerPoint
  • Creación de informes/análisis
  • Creación de marca personalizable
  • Creación de plano conceptual
  • Cuestionarios
  • Curación de contenido de autoservicio
  • Empresas de formación
  • Formación de empleados
  • Gestión de aprendizaje
  • Gestión de asignaciones
  • Gestión de contenidos
  • Gestión de cursos
  • Gestión de documentos
  • Gestión de evaluaciones
  • Gestión de la conformidad
  • Gestión de la formación
  • Gestión de usuarios
  • Gestión de vídeos
  • Grabación de audio/vídeo
  • Importación y exportación de datos
  • Ludificación
  • Líneas e itinerarios educativos
  • Modelos personalizables
  • Portal de empleados
  • Portal del alumno
  • Preguntas personalizables
  • Publicación de cursos
  • Recordatorios
  • Seguimiento de cursos
  • Seguimiento de la conformidad
  • Seguimiento del avance
  • Self-paced Learning
  • Tests/Evaluaciones
  • Third-Party Integrations

Alternativas a TalentLMS

Diseñada para el aprendizaje, esta solución de conferencia web totalmente rediseñada permite a los empleados cumplir con los requisitos de capacitación en cualquier momento y lugar.
Crea tu propio sitio web de cursos y controla tus elementos de marca, datos de los alumnos, mensajería y precios, todo desde un solo lugar.
Funciones fáciles de usar y una interfaz de usuario fácil de navegar; proporciona a los estudiantes una puerta de entrada rápida y sin complicaciones al entrenamiento.
Reúne la tecnología de datos en un solo lugar para que los equipos de ventas impulsen más ingresos y los equipos de marketing generen más clientes potenciales y conversiones.
Un LMS diseñado para crear exámenes, cursos y evaluaciones en línea con muchos tipos de preguntas, seguimiento de progreso e incluso un portal de inicio de sesión.
Desarrolla una fuerza laboral capacitada brindando capacitación moderna, prescriptiva y preparada para dispositivos móviles a cada empleado.
Forma a tus empleados, socios y clientes con eFront, una potente plataforma de formación que se adapta a tus necesidades.
Crea atractivos cursos de formación online que se ven perfectos en todos los dispositivos.
LMS Paradiso es un LMS en la nube de SaaS totalmente personalizable, ideal para corporaciones, educación/escolarización infantil, primaria y secundaria, empresas de capacitación y organismos gubernamentales.

Opinones de TalentLMS

Evaluación media

En general
Facilidad de uso
Atención al cliente
Relación calidad-precio

Opiniones por tamaño de empresa (empleados)

  • <50
  • 51-200
  • 201-1,000
  • >1,001

Encontrar opiniones por puntuación

Marketing Communications
Usuario de Linkedin verificado
Bienes de consumo, 51-200 empleados
Ha utilizado el software durante: 6-12 meses
Fuente de la reseña

Efficient platform that made our online presence!

4.0 hace 4 años
Los subtítulos en español están disponibles en el reproductor de vídeo
Usuario verificado
Usuario de Linkedin verificado
Marketing y publicidad, 201-500 empleados
Ha utilizado el software durante: 6-12 meses
Fuente de la reseña

Gran aliado para la formación online de empleados

5.0 hace 10 meses

Puntos a favor:

Interfaz intuitiva y fácil de usar. Funcionalidades de seguimiento del progreso de los empleados y generación de informes detallados, dando una visión clara del rendimiento y la participación de cada uno de ellos


Limitaciones en la personalización avanzada del diseño y la apariencia de los cursos. La nueva interfaz que se actualizó hace poco es más confusa que la anterior. Pero te deja usar la anterior si quieres

Respuesta de Epignosis

hace 9 meses

Hello, thank you for your review :)! We are happy to hear that you are engaging your learners and making the most out of our reporting features. When it comes to our new interface, know that TalentLMS+ is still in the Beta version, and we are still working on some of its features for the perfect LMS experience. Thank you for checking out the new interface and sharing your feedback. Stay tuned for more!

Administrativo en España
Propiedad inmobiliaria comercial, 2-10 empleados
Ha utilizado el software durante: 1-5 meses
Fuente de la reseña


3.0 el año pasado

Comentarios: Debe de mejorar aspectos

Puntos a favor:

Lo que más me gusta de TalentLMS es que tiene una interfaz intuitiva y atractiva, que facilita la navegación y el acceso a las funciones más importantes. También me gusta que ofrece una gran variedad de opciones para personalizar y adaptar los cursos a las necesidades y preferencias de cada usuario, como el diseño, el idioma, el contenido o la gamificación.


Lo que menos me gusta de TalentLMS es que su versión gratuita tiene algunas limitaciones, como el número de usuarios que se pueden registrar, el espacio de almacenamiento disponible o el acceso a algunas funciones avanzadas.

Respuesta de Epignosis

el año pasado

Sergio, thank you for your review! We're always aiming for simplicity and customizability with TalentLMS and we're glad you've found it suit your training needs. While the free version of TalentLMS does have certain limits, it's also a forever-free plan which requires no credit card info from your end. It's a good way for instructors to check out the platform with no strings attached. Thanks again for sharing your feedback with us.

Usuario verificado
Usuario de Linkedin verificado
Hospital y atención sanitaria, 201-500 empleados
Ha utilizado el software durante: 6-12 meses
Fuente de la reseña

Buena herramienta para el aprendizaje online

5.0 hace 2 años

Puntos a favor:

Una buena herramienta para la capacitacion on line y un buen gestor de programas de aprendizaje.Permite en estos procesos crear encuestas e informes automaticamente.


La principal desventaja que tiene es que no esta en su totalidad en español.Tiene la opcion de seleccionar el idioma pero no esta traducido al completo por lo que para las personas que no saben ingles, les sera muy dificil implementarla.

Respuesta de Epignosis

el año pasado

Hi, it is great to read that TalentLMS allows you to easily deliver online training thanks to automations and surveys. The Spanish version of the platform has been improved, take a look, we think you'll like it!

Trainer en México
Comercio minorista, 51-200 empleados
Ha utilizado el software durante: Más de dos años
Fuente de la reseña

Test Talent LMS

5.0 hace 3 años

Comentarios: resolvemos actualmente entrenamientos a distancia con clientes comerciales

Puntos a favor:

Es un excelente LMS de fácil funcionamiento y adaptativo que se puede utilizar con una gran cantidad de usuarios, fácil de configurar y administrar.


Seria bueno poder personalizar las paginas de los cursos, asá como se puede personalizar la pagina externa que se muestra a los usuarios

Alternativas consideradas: 360Learning y Looop

Razones para elegir TalentLMS: Por costo y poca administración con usuarios externos o de dificil acceso

Software anterior: Docebo

Razones para cambiar a TalentLMS: Costo, fácil administración, buena personalización

Respuesta de Epignosis

hace 3 años

Isaias, thank you for sharing your thoughts on TalentLMS. It's great to know the platform is helping you solve distance training with your clients. Regarding customization, here are some articles that might help you achieve your goal. And if you need further help, don't doubt in reaching out to our support team! https://help.talentlms.com/hc/en-us/search?utf8=%E2%9C%93&query=customization

Usuario verificado
Usuario de Linkedin verificado
Alimentación y bebidas, 201-500 empleados
Ha utilizado el software durante: 1-5 meses
Fuente de la reseña

Ideal para la gestion de programas de aprendizaje.

5.0 hace 2 años

Puntos a favor:

Una de las mejores caracteristicas es facilidad de uso.La interfaz es muy intuitiva y facil de usar que hace que la implementacion sea muy rapida.Permite crear programas de aprendizaje muy facilmente pudiendo generar tanto encuestas e informes automaticamente.


El idioma.Si alguien no tiene mucha idea del ingles, le resultara dificil poder usarla por que no tiene version en español.

Respuesta de Epignosis

el año pasado

Thank you for your kind review. It's always awesome to hear first hand how easy to use and intuitive TalentLMS is. Regarding the Spanish version we are making improvements on that front so keep an eye out!

CEO en Guatemala
Aprendizaje en línea, 2-10 empleados
Ha utilizado el software durante: 6-12 meses
Fuente de la reseña

¡Fácil y Poderosa!

5.0 hace 4 años

Puntos a favor:

Talent LMS es una herramienta muy fácil de implementar y poner en marcha en cualquier organización. Tiene versatilidad en distintos idiomas y diversos parámetros que permiten personalizar la experiencia de usuarios.


No he encontrado ningún contra en la herramienta.

Respuesta de Epignosis

hace 4 años

Thank you for your review, Michael!

Raul Antonio
Raul Antonio
Graduate en EE. UU.
Usuario de Linkedin verificado
Música, 2-10 empleados
Ha utilizado el software durante: Prueba gratis
Fuente de la reseña

The e-learning platform that has transformed the way we train our team

5.0 el año pasado

Comentarios: Everything is clearly organized, making it easy to navigate and find resources. I also appreciate the wide range of tools and features available, from testing and assessments to tracking and reporting.

Puntos a favor:

Its incredible ease of use and intuitive interface helped me start creating and managing courses quickly and easily. But in addition, the platform offers a wide range of tools and features that allowed me to customize the learning experience according to the needs of my team.


The lack of customization options regarding the platform design should be improved. While I can add my logo and adjust some colors, I would like more control over the visual appearance and the ability to fully adapt it to my company's identity.

Respuesta de Epignosis

el año pasado

Hi Raul, thank you so much for your kind words on TalentLMS. We’re glad you’ve found it easy to use and customize. And speaking of customization, there’s plenty you can do to make the portal stand out, including customizing individual branches or sub-domains for different learner groups. Check these resources out: https://help.talentlms.com/hc/en-us/search?utf8=%E2%9C%93&query=custom Thanks again for sticking with us!

Client Service Specialist II en EE. UU.
Contabilidad, 51-200 empleados
Ha utilizado el software durante: 6-12 meses
Fuente de la reseña

TalentLMS is a great learning tool for small businesses

4.0 hace 4 meses

Comentarios: My overall experience with TalentLMS is that it is good for smaller businesses since it is simple to setup and being able to have quizzes are nice and I like the Library. Overall it seems to be a very good platform but could use some updated designing.

Puntos a favor:

This platform is super simple to setup. It was also super easy to navigate through the platform when going through the courses and watching the videos.


It needed to have a more up to date type of interface but nothing on a "learner" side of things nothing major.

Respuesta de Epignosis

hace 3 meses

Hello Erinn :) Thank you for your review. We are very glad to hear that training with TalentLMS has been smooth sailing! Regarding your comments about the design of the platform, did you know that we launched a revamped UI and generative AI features earlier this year? You can easily switch your portal to the new interface, by following these simple steps: https://help.talentlms.com/hc/en-us/articles/7277832546076-Getting-to-know-the-new-TalentLMS-interface

Training and Development Coordinator en EE. UU.
Software informático, 51-200 empleados
Ha utilizado el software durante: 6-12 meses
Fuente de la reseña

TalentLMS Review

3.0 el año pasado

Puntos a favor:

Easy to use and put together courses quickly


Limited "accessories" to customize content. Not much better than a google powerpoint and google forms , together

Respuesta de Epignosis

hace 11 meses

Hi Brendan, thanks for the review! It's great to hear you found TalentLMS easy to use when it comes to your course creation. Did you know we recently launched TalentCraft, our interactive AI content creator, as part of the TalentLMS+ Beta? You can check it out right now and create some really intuitive content for your learners to enjoy!

Customer Education Manager en Nueva Zelanda
Tecnología y servicios de la información, 201-500 empleados
Ha utilizado el software durante: Más de un año
Fuente de la reseña

Good Customer Service

5.0 hace 11 meses

Comentarios: The product works, customer support is great. There are some rough edges that could be improved, but some of those will only apply to specific use cases.

Puntos a favor:

The team at Epignosis have been great to work with over the year that we have been using TalentLMS. Our pricing tier doesn't give us a dedicated customer success manager, so all our support queries are handled by their general support team. Both their frontline and technical support staff have been amazing at helping resolve any questions that have been raised. As an LMS, TalentLMS does the job. As an organisation, we didn't know exactly what we wanted and so picked TalentLMS initially on price point from a shortlist of other much more expensive systems that offered similar functionality. We particularly wanted a multi-tenant solution. We don't see ourselves changing in the short term. The LMS is super easy to get started. The free option lets you get started and evaluate whether it will work for you, and there is no time limit on this. I also loved the fact that you can just get in and do things - so many vendors insist on demos before they give you access to a system and layer on the hard sell in that process. The team at Epignosis are not like this, they are not in your face at all. Set up your domain and try it, so much more simple and easy. In terms of the features of TalentLMS, I particularly like how much customisation you can do with Javascript and CSS. I understand that the TalentLMS+ system that is being developed won't have that same degree of customisation - I understand why, but it will be a real loss for teams like ours that have very specific requirements that are not easily met without writing customisations. Overall, the system is easy to set up and use. The learner experience is perhaps not as slick as it could be out of the box, but we have addressed that with our customisations. There were some challenges getting SSO set up, it wasn't quite as easy to do as the TalentMS knowledge base suggested - but we got there in the end. Course and user management are fine and it is possible to create custom user types and access permissions to a very fine level of detail. Mechanisms such as groups and branches work, but perhaps could be a bit more slick. We've ended up not using branches for that reason which has gone away from our original multi-tenant brief. Some things that don't work as well as you might hope can be worked around because the integration with Zapier lets you set up your own automations.


The branches mechanism could be improved. It basically works fine, but the process of manually adding users to branches is a bit painful and switching between branches is ok but not perfect. The real pain for us is that each branch needs its own SSO configuration and login portal. What I would really love to see here would be a single login screen and then using the SSO credentials to send learners automatically to a given branch, for example based on their email address. That would make things so much more slick for those of us offering to other organisations. I think that I can work around this using Zapier, but using an integration engine to link TalentLMS back to TalentLMS is a bit ridiculous (even through I do that for a few things). Something that is really important for us as we are training software developers is to present highlighted code snippets. The page editor in TalentLMS is not great, and the default style for code is just preformatted HTML. It is easy to work around, we inject custom CSS and Javascript from the prism.js library and it works a charm. However, our concern moving forward is that the TalentLMS+ product is not going to support that degree of customisation. So code formatting using prism.js or highlight.js really needs to be incorporated in as standard functionality. There are other issues with the editor - pasting from other applications produces really messy html. Even if you "paste as plain text" it doesn't work well. Most people probably won't notice, but I am editing the html to make our other customisations work and am always cleaning things up. The product doesn't deal with images and media shared across courses. I would love to see a central library of content (currently it is per course). You can work around the per-course organisation of files if you know html. But what I would love to be able to do is set an image in CSS that then applies across all pages. For example, we have icons that we add into the blockquote style - I need to do each and everyone manually, whereas the whole point of CSS is to do it centrally.

Respuesta de Epignosis

hace 10 meses

Hello Andy, thank you for taking the time to leave such a great review and very constructive feedback :)! Firstly, we will make sure to transfer your encouraging words to our support team, who are dedicated to accommodating you with any concern. Regarding the Talent LMS+ Beta version, the new UI will gradually offer more options for Administrator and Instructor roles. You should also be expecting advanced content creation capabilities empowered by our new AI content creation tool, TalentCraft. Here, at TalentLMS we always aim to grow and get better with every new product release and launch. Thank you again for your review and we hope you have a great day!

Usuario verificado
Usuario de Linkedin verificado
Seguros, 1,001-5,000 empleados
Ha utilizado el software durante: Más de dos años
Fuente de la reseña
Fuente: GetApp

Easy-to-use LMS

5.0 el año pasado

Comentarios: Absolutely recommend TalentLMS to any business which takes little time to setup, easy to complete mass-enrollments and mass-registrations of learners. Administrators hardly ever hear of technical issues on the system, but rather technical issues found on devices that doesn't allow them to do something on TalentLMS.

Puntos a favor:

Easy to setup and use even if you are not a HTML/CSS expert. Can manage courses and learner progress easily, and works for our business processes. The support team is wonderful, and it's easy to be a part of any Beta testing and provide feedback and recommendations to be considered. Development done on TalentLMS are included in the annual license fee.


Because I'm not an expert on the HTML/CSS field, it is difficult for me to figure out if views can be changed even after some research. But the GUI works for our learners, in most cases they prefer to keep it the same look and feel with a slow switch-over to the Beta version.

Respuesta de Epignosis

hace 10 meses

Hello, thank you so much for this amazing review! The TalentLMS team always aims at simplicity and ease of use at all our releases. We are excited to hear that you have tested the TalentLMS+ Beta version, and make sure to stay tuned for more! Also, we can assure you that we will pass the kind words to our support team, who are always happy to help :). Happy Learning!

Medical coder en EE. UU.
Hospital y atención sanitaria, 501-1,000 empleados
Ha utilizado el software durante: Más de dos años
Fuente de la reseña

TalentLMS for Business

4.0 hace 4 meses

Comentarios: TalentLMS is noteworthy, as many businesses use this platform and therefore the interface is familiar and intuitive. I found it easy to use right out of the box, but some of the AI auto-suggestions got in the way of an otherwise seamless experience.

Puntos a favor:

TalentLMS is very intuitive and user friendly. It is easy to sign in and locate content, which plays fast and seamless.


TalentLMS features AI generated content options, which can be useful but in my opinion creates a cookie-cutter experience rather than one that is as unique as each individual business.

Respuesta de Epignosis

hace 3 meses

Hey Laura! Thank you very much for your review, we are thrilled to hear that you are finding TalentLMS to be intuitive. If you would like to learn more about working with TalentCraft and making the most of AI when creating courses, feel free to watch this webinar session our team hosted for customers just like you: https://www.talentlms.com/webinars/how-to-use-talentcraft

Accessibility Consultant en RU
Tecnología y servicios de la información, 51-200 empleados
Ha utilizado el software durante: Más de dos años
Fuente de la reseña

Easy and customisable

5.0 hace 6 meses

Puntos a favor:

The ability to customise the platform to fit your business branding makes it great and very welcoming to new beginners. A wide range of content being available to be included in training courses is very beneficial.


The inability to submit different types of responses for activities isn't great. For example, you are unable to submit a file and a text response

Respuesta de Epignosis

hace 5 meses

Thank you for your great review, Aaakash! TalentLMS is all about offering various customization options to its users. Your feedback is very important to us, so stay tuned because many new features may be coming soon!

Director of marketing en Canadá
Software informático, 51-200 empleados
Ha utilizado el software durante: Más de un año
Fuente de la reseña

Great for training staff

5.0 hace 3 meses

Comentarios: Works great when training new staff or having the team do quarterly product training on new features

Puntos a favor:

Really good for product training and training new employees on processes


Should have the ability for guests to register for courses and programs you create without being a part of the company

Respuesta de Epignosis

hace 2 meses

Hello Phillip! Thank you so much for your review. Hearing that TalentLMS is helping you with onboarding and team training has made our day :).

Operations Analyst en EE. UU.
Petróleo y energía, 501-1,000 empleados
Ha utilizado el software durante: Más de un año
Fuente de la reseña

Good Courses Assignment Tool

5.0 hace 6 meses

Puntos a favor:

"The report-generating function provides all the records I need for users' completion of course assignments. As for data analysis, it helps a lot to track records and participation rates.


It would be better if the platform provided more 'mass selection' options for different purposes. If they allowed multiple selections for the same action, such as resetting user course assignments, it would be more efficient.

Respuesta de Epignosis

hace 6 meses

Hello Ping, Thank you so much for your glowing review! Your feedback keeps us going, and we want to help all of our customers achieve their training goals with TalentLMS.

Teacher en EE. UU.
Administración educativa, 10,000+ empleados
Ha utilizado el software durante: Prueba gratis
Fuente de la reseña

Easy to use!

5.0 hace 4 meses

Comentarios: Used as a learning management system!!!!

Puntos a favor:

I liked how accessible it was, and how easy it was to navigate!


I did not have any problems with talentlms

Respuesta de Epignosis

hace 4 meses

Thank you for your amazing review, Sara! Happy learning :)

Training Officer en Namibia
Comercio minorista, 51-200 empleados
Ha utilizado el software durante: Más de dos años
Fuente de la reseña

TLMS: Quality

5.0 hace 2 años

Comentarios: Love it.

Puntos a favor:

User Friendliness and Customer Service allow anyone to manage their training.


Could have more authoring options and customization in general.

Alternativas consideradas: aNewSpring y Udemy Business

Razones para cambiar a TalentLMS: Price, customization and during the demo the customer service was fantastic.

Respuesta de Epignosis

hace 2 años

Thank you for your review, Fourie. Your kind words about our world-class support team mean the world to us! Regarding customization, check out our latest customization guide, it might be the solution you're looking for :) https://www.talentlms.com/cheatsheets/elearning-css-hacks

News Editor/Journalist en Dinamarca
Prensa, 11-50 empleados
Ha utilizado el software durante: Más de un año
Fuente de la reseña

Easy-to-Use Learning Management System

5.0 hace 2 años

Comentarios: Overall, TalentLMS is a great learning management system. It's easy to use, offers a variety of features, and is highly customizable. The only downside is the cost, but it's still an excellent option for those looking for a reliable way to manage their learning environment.

Puntos a favor:

TalentLMS is an incredibly easy-to-use learning management system. Its intuitive interface makes it easy to create and manage courses, users, and content. The platform also offers advanced features such as gamification and custom themes, allowing you to create a unique learning environment.


TalentLMS is a bit pricier than some of its competitors, and it's missing some features like automated grading and exam scheduling.

Respuesta de Epignosis

hace 2 años

Christian, thank you for reviewing TalentLMS. We know that engaging your learners can be challenging, this is why TalentLMS offers gamification features along with a customizable interface: to make sure your people will log in nd enjoy their experience!

Professor en Japón
Administración educativa, 1,001-5,000 empleados
Ha utilizado el software durante: 6-12 meses
Fuente de la reseña

A year of language teaching with Talent LMS in a Japanese university

5.0 hace 3 años

Comentarios: It has been very easy for me to get this moving and I feel motivated to continue. It is easy to have students upload audio and video assignments, and there have been no complaints from students at all.

Puntos a favor:

Very easy to get started, stable and reliable, excellent support and receptivity to feedback.


I’d like text formatting to be easier and more flexible, and it could be easier to integrate audio files into language teaching exercises. The software has not been designed with language teaching in mind, but there is a lot of potential for it to be so used. It could perhaps be easier to check exactly what the learners themselves are seeing on different devices and with different language settings.

Alternativas consideradas: Claris FileMaker

Razones para cambiar a TalentLMS: I’ve developed a lot of Filemaker tools for producing worksheets, and even developed a prototype LMS using Filemker, but haven’t had the know-how or resources to go further.

Respuesta de Epignosis

hace 3 años

Kevin, thanks for sharing your ideas on how to make TalentLMS even better. We love hearing from our users on how to improve the platform! Thank you also for your kind words on our support team. Be sure that they will always be here to back you up when you need help!

People Development Manager en EE. UU.
Seguros, 501-1,000 empleados
Ha utilizado el software durante: 1-5 meses
Fuente de la reseña

Great value and tool to guide your first steps into virtual learning.

4.0 hace 3 años

Comentarios: Overall I'm able to offer a one-stop shop for our staff to access important training material, which is especially helpful for mandatory company-wide trainings we have to have staff complete and report on completion.

Puntos a favor:

Easy to use to drop in existing content and also absolutely love all the reporting is has already built and ready to go.


I think the test and assignment options could be more sophisticated so that answer keys or scoring rubrics can be built in for instructors to easily manually grade certain assignments and also for certain questions in a test format to allow the student to video and audio record their responses and limit the amount of time they have to answer each question.

Alternativas consideradas: UKG Ready y Docebo

Razones para cambiar a TalentLMS: It really had to do with price and also based on us using an LMS for the first time we didn't want to overinvest and buy something way to complex when we didn't have all the resources to maintain. TalentLMS is easily maintained by an individual or a full team. It gives enough valuable features to get the job done well without the enormous price tag.

Respuesta de Epignosis

hace 3 años

Thank you for your thorough review of TalentLMS, Shanaye. Your thoughts and ideas on how to improve the platform are very important to us and we will pass on your feedback to the team! In the meantime though, it is great reading that you are loving the reporting capabilities of TalentLMS!

Director of Professional Development en EE. UU.
Seguros, 2-10 empleados
Ha utilizado el software durante: Más de un año
Fuente de la reseña

Great platform for creating a basic course structure that fits your training needs

4.0 hace 3 años

Comentarios: Overall, TalentLMS has met our needs and allowed us to create a custom online course and expand the reach of our organization's education programs.

Puntos a favor:

The product is pretty user-friendly, and if you are struggling with how to do something while creating/editing your course, you can easily find answers to most issues in the knowledge base. I also liked the various types of content that can be added to a course. For example, I've utilized text, PDFs, Microsoft Word documents, images, videos, tests, surveys, web links, and more all in one single course - and I probably haven't even explored half of the available features!


Working with a user's course expiration date can sometimes be tricky and could definitely use some improvement. For example, to change the expiration date for a user, logically I would go to the "Users" page, go to the user's courses, and extend the date there. Instead, you have to go to the course page, go to course content, go to course users, and extend it from there. Also, I've found that sometimes you can't extend a user's deadline without resetting their progress for the entire course. I haven't quite figured out why that happens. I also think the navigation on the user's end could use a little clarity. An automated "course tour" would be beneficial.

Alternativas consideradas: Blackboard Learn

Razones para cambiar a TalentLMS: An annual subscription to TalentLMS was less than half the cost of an annual Blackboard subscription.

Respuesta de Epignosis

hace 3 años

Hi Alyssa, thank you for your insightful review of TalentLMS. We are glad to read that your experience has been a pleasant one and that you've been enjoying the variety of content you can work with on the platform. Regarding user navigation, lots of good think are coming out your way soon, keep an eye out!

owner en Sudáfrica
Deportes, Trabajador autónomo
Ha utilizado el software durante: Más de dos años
Fuente de la reseña

TalentLMS for online courses.

5.0 hace 2 años

Comentarios: I have found it very beneficial for the particular course that I have designed.

Puntos a favor:

TalentLMS is very easy for the instructor to design courses and to track the progress of the learner. The features such as quizzes and assignments are excellent. Courses can me made very interactive.


Learners have told me that they find it difficult to download videos. Also I feel that it would be better to have to pay a commission per user as it can be very expensive if there are not enough learners.

Respuesta de Epignosis

el año pasado

Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts with us, Harry! We’re happy to see you’ve found TalentLMS intuitive to manage as an instructor. If you need a hand with your portal, feel free to contact our support team and they’ll help find a solution that will suit your Learners: https://help.talentlms.com/hc/en-us/requests/new As for the per-person subscription plan you’ve mentioned, our Active plans are made to accommodate just that. Take a peek at our pricing page and let us know if you’d like to discuss if an Active plan might be a better fit for you. Thanks again!

CEO en Australia
Administración educativa, 2-10 empleados
Ha utilizado el software durante: Más de dos años
Fuente de la reseña

This is a good LMS I would recommend

5.0 hace 2 años

Comentarios: We have about 25o students enrolled at any one tome across about 10 different courses. Easy to track activity and provide student assistance.

Puntos a favor:

Easy to compile courses, update and modify them. Student access very straightforward.


Needing to toggle between administrator and instructor to get different tasks accomplished.

Respuesta de Epignosis

hace 2 años

Robert, thanks for taking the time to share your experience with us. We understand how important it is to be able to track and help your learners, and this is why TalentLMS offers strong reporting features. Thank you also for your feedback on role management. Keep an eye out; something might be coming sooner than you think to make your life even easier ;)

Training designer and Internal Support en Italia
Hospital y atención sanitaria, 51-200 empleados
Ha utilizado el software durante: Más de dos años
Fuente de la reseña

TalentLMS Review

5.0 hace 2 años

Comentarios: Technician training relocated in all part of the world

Puntos a favor:

Teams Integration and quiz management and the flexibility about the component you can add in the course


In the quiz it is better to add more type of question type

Respuesta de Epignosis

hace 2 años

Carlo, thanks for taking the time to review TalentLMS. We love hearing you enjoy the Teams integration about with the flexibility offered by the platform!

instructor en Costa Rica
Aerolíneas/aviación, 2-10 empleados
Ha utilizado el software durante: Más de dos años
Fuente de la reseña

LMS tools

4.0 hace 2 años

Comentarios: Very good. Customer service is excellent. In my case, live support is unavailable due to the service chosen, however, reply time to my questions and requests is very fast.System setup and deployment is super easy.

Puntos a favor:

User-friendly 100+1%. Setting up the whole LMS is amazingly easy. In 24 hrs you can understand and get the system up and running.


The changes made about branches and also set up the background. For the latter, you need to know a little bit of coding.

Respuesta de Epignosis

hace 2 años

Jairo, thanks for your kind review. It's great that you were up and running in 24 hours! Thanks also for your kind word about our support team, they will appreciate it, and you can trust that they will always be here for you when you need them.